
I am an assistant professor of law at the University of Houston Law Center, with primary scholarly interests in administrative law, election law, and democratic and constitutional theory. My research focuses on the structure of government and of the democratic process, drawing on political science and analysis of the text and structure of the Constitution.

I received a B.A. from Columbia University in 2015 and a J.D. from Yale Law School in 2022. I am also nearing completion of a Ph.D. in Political Science at Yale University.

My dissertation, Structuring Democracy, develops a new theory of the separation of powers that offers an alternative to neo-Madisonian theories. It argues that the separation of powers institutionalizes a deliberative moment in the governance process—but one that is downstream of the legislative process. The dissertation identifies distinctive democratic justifications for a variety of government institutions—including the separation of powers, administrative insulation from political control, and administrative due process protections—that have more familiarly been defended on liberal grounds.

I have published work on the separation of powers, constitutional design, and election law, and I have additional ongoing work on these topics as well as about property theory.