Spring 2025
LAW 5303: Criminal Law. Preliminary syllabus here. Topics include general principles of criminal law; homicide; rape; inchoate offenses; accomplice liability; defenses; the justification of punishment; the distribution of authority between the judge, the jury, the prosecutor, and the legislature; and the interpretation of criminal statutes.
LAW 7397: Constitutional Design. Preliminary syllabus here. In this seminar on normative constitutional theory, topics include bicameralism and presentment, congressional procedure, appointments and removals, electoral rules, oversight and impeachment, judicial review and judicial independence, and constitutional amendment.
Fall 2024
LAW 5396: Elections and the Law of Democracy. Preliminary syllabus here. Topics include the individual right to vote and participate, reapportionment and redistricting, the regulation of political parties and primary elections, campaign finance regulation, the boundaries of federal and state power over election regulation, and presidential elections.
Prior Teaching
Spring 2024. PLSC 214: The Politics of American Public Policy. Yale University. Teaching Fellow (writing-intensive discussion section).
Fall 2023. PLSC 383: Designing and Reforming Democracy. Yale University. Instructor (with Ian Shapiro). Seminar of my own design. Topics included electoral institutions, separation of powers, bicameralism, legislative organization, presidential power, and judicial review.
Spring 2021. PLSC 118: The Moral Foundations of Politics. Yale University. Teaching Fellow (writing-intensive discussion section).
Fall 2020. PLSC 254: Political Parties in the American System. Yale University. Teaching Fellow (two discussion sections).
Spring 2020. PLSC 118: The Moral Foundations of Politics. Yale University. Teaching Fellow (writing-intensive discussion section).
Fall 2019. PLSC 114: Introduction to Political Philosophy. Yale University. Teaching Fellow (writing-intensive discussion section).